Have the AI agent auto-generate more tests

Similar to the initial AI test generation during project setup you can use the generate more feature to expand your test case suite.

Go into the test case view and hover over the generate more icon - a button will appear. Click on it.

Have the AI agent generate more tests, 10/2024

Our AI agent will generate up to 3 new tests following up on the test case you launched it from. The original test will be added as a dependency automatically. It will start generating steps for every generated test case.

You can follow the progress of these newly created tests in the stack.

AI agent informs what it does, 10/2024

At the end of the agent run, the AI agent should have auto-generated test steps and validated them for each test case. For those that the validation succeeded, it turned the test ON - into active mode.

Help the AI agent when it couldn’t quite nail the auto-generation - yellow alert highlights a failed step generation. See how in the edit test case section.

New generated tests, 10/2024