If you don’t have pipelines and want to manually trigger the test execution from outside our app, you can do it with a cURL command. You can retrieve it conviniently with prefilled parameters from within the app by selecting in app via terminal from the generate report button on the overview page:

modal to retrieve the curl command

generate a test report from the terminal, screenshot 02/2024

You can see how to set up your API key below.

The command will return a response with a link to your test report, looking like this:

{ "testReportUrl": "https://app.octomind.dev/testreports/<some-id>" }

If you follow this link, you can find the test report containing all test results of your execution.

Create an API key

The option to create your API key can be found within the settings menu.

Settings menu button

Settings menu button

Click on Create an API key.

Create API key link on octomind landing page

Create an API key button

You then will be navigated to our auth provider where you can create a new org-level API key.

Create API key screen

Create an API key

Copy the API key

Copy the API key

You can only copy the API key once, so make sure to do that now. You should not share it with anyone.

Add the API key to your CI provider as a secret to run test reports from the CI.