find bugs before your users do

Give us a URL and with the power of AI we discover, generate, run and auto-fix your e2e tests in Playwright.

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Octomind - Find bugs before your users do with AI | Product Hunt

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let AI do the e2e testing

Create meaningful tests quickly and make sure your pipeline is only red when the app is broken.

AI discovered

not sure where to start? Let AI have a look at your app and discover tests to cover your critical flows.
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AI auto-fixed

when you change your UI, test code adapts to the new user flow. No need to rewrite broken tests.
flakiness resistant
we understand why tests fail. We'll fix timeout logic. We'll isolate. We’ll rerun to eliminate false positives.

AI generated

AI is great at simulating user behavior. We transform the model output into deterministic test cases.
octomind app screenshot

hosted & run fast

no one will wait for slow test suite to finish. Octomind test are run in parallel. However big your test suite, we’ll run it under 20 minutes.
octomind user headshot
Duc Tam Nguyen
linkedin profile link
co-founder & CTO at Aimino
'We’re really happy to be working with the tool. It’s like having two more people on my team providing quality test cases. It easily outperforms any other tools we’ve tried. We’re set to use it going forward, and it’s already factored into our budget.'
octomind user headshot
Aditya Advani
linkedin profile link
co-founder & CTO at Best Parents
'As an early stage consumer marketplace we need to maintain high quality standards along with high velocity. Without Octomind, we'd have to hire a whole person to do this and they wouldn't be able to keep up. Thumbs up from a happy engineering leader.'
octomind user headshot
Roman Frolov
linkedin profile link
co-founder & CTO at Codesphere
'Testing is a crucial part of software engineering. I'm glad to see projects like OctoMind that aim to reduce the complexity of writing tests. Proud to have witnessed the growth of the project from the get go.'

your stack, your rules, zero constraints 

Auto-generate, run and auto-fix your e2e tests without giving up control.
keep your code
The code it yours. It is plain Playwright. Just hit the copy button. You're not stuck with us.
keep your stack
No need to install nor learn new tech. We can even run in parallel with other tests.
no access to code needed
we don’t need access to your source code. We use publicly available information.
execute locally
for more control, execute Octomind against your local environment. Find out how.

built on top of Playwright, plug’n’play for your CI/CD pipeline

We'll run the tests and comment the results back to your pipeline with details to inspect, replay and debug.
run in parallel with your existing test suite
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integrate with your CI pipeline
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give us a link to your accessible URL
We  need a link to your publicly accessible URL. We’ll generate test cases from your UI.
quick  integration with  CI /CD pipeline
Easily integrate and run Octomind with GitHub, Azure, Jenkins, Vercel or via curl command.
review results in PR comments
Review test results in your PR comments. If failed, you’ll get a link to details to inspect, replay and debug.
trigger the E2E tests on pull-request
We host, run and auto-fix the tests for you. Or download the Playwright code and uselocally.

blogtopus: On app development, testing and AI

50% developer rants, 50% tech news commentary, 100% cephalopod opinions on all things software. Worth the read.
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