interactive window into the agents’ soul

Octomind Product Update, September 12, 2024

Over the past few weeks we’ve paused some activities to allow Octoneers to take their well deserved summer vacation without impacting shipping speed. Including product updates. But we are back in full force and this is what we’ve added:

The Good

AI agents

  • A new agent is specialized in assessing the purpose of a web page. You can rate the agent's description and give it a 👍 or a 👎 
  • `Suggest more tests` feature got an upgrade. The suggested tests discovered by the AI agent are more meaningful and less redundant. 
  • Agents can handle header elements more robustly and we have further improved their world view. 

Editing. We added force click interaction to our visual locator picker.📍

We. Improved. Snapshots. They are faster, showcasing the correct website when editing test steps and correctly displayed. There are still some edge cases to fix, but we have a reason to rejoice. Cautiously. 

Security. We upgraded the app security setup, but it would be insecure to tell you how. 🤫 🔐


  • We’ve caught up with the in-app notifications for our new shiny stuff. You will get notifications about new features 🎁 as they are shipped, dynamically.  
  • We doubled down on tooltips and context sensitive guidance for first time users. Work much better than onboarding tours. ℹ️

The Bad

Did you notice lately that the agent didn’t “get” your prompt correctly and muddled generated test steps? It wasn’t you. When working on our AI performance we introduced bugs into our world view. Fortunately, we picked up on it and fixed it.

The Complicated

We are trying to figure out how to run parts of the test cases locally and parts in the cloud. It should allow for an easier set-up and teardown and streamline test data. Highly requested by our power users, yet not trivial.

The Highlight

We have introduced an interactive "window into the soul" of our AI agents. Whenever you send them off to discover tests and generate test steps you’ll get an interactive insight into their progress.


I usually don’t paste pictures in product updates, but I couldn’t resist this one. Have a look yourself.

insight into AI agents when generating


We have some good news for our Bay Area users! Marc, my co-founder, is in San Francisco for a few weeks, meeting and learning from our users in person. Get in touch, he’d really love to hear from you.   


And me too. As always, I'm one calendar slot away.

daniel roedler, CTO/CPO of Octomind
Daniel Rödler
Co-founder and CPO  at Octomind
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